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  • Daisy Andrews

How To Conquer The Commute

Now that Covid-19 restrictions have been retracted, many of us are once again are met with a return to office and the dreaded commute. Let's face it - no matter how much you pretend - none of us love commuting. Getting up early and returning home late often leaves us feeling tired and depleted, minimising productivity and job enjoyment.

Nevertheless, socialising with colleagues is important and for many people, commuting is a reality we have to live with. So, we've pulled together some tips to help you conquer your commute.

Give yourself time - but not too much

For the majority, the commute to and from work is lengthy and time-consuming. We often have to set our alarms much earlier than we would ordinarily, and, as a result, are even more tired than usual!

We'd recommend setting your alarm to give you enough time to wake up slowly and eat something before heading out the door. Too many people skip this step and we can assure you, this is key to starting out your day with energy and a positive attitude. This said - don't go setting your alarm un-necessarily early! As we all know, sleep is very powerful and vital to give you the brain power you need to perform well.

Don't work!

Using your commuting time on the train to do work is a big no-no. We know it can be tempting when you have a lot on your plate but your journey to and from work is exactly that: your journey. Not work hours.

Use your commute to do something you enjoy, like read a book, listen to a podcast or watch your favourite TV show. Even better - watch the view from the window. Give yourself some time away from your screen. Whatever you choose, we guarantee this will make your commute feel more bearable, turning up to work in a better mood and returning in a more relaxed one.

Try meditating

Lots of people think you have to be alone in a quiet space to meditate, when that's simply not the case. In fact, true meditation is learning to block out the noise and find peace anywhere at any time.

If you find it hard to meditate alone, try using an app like Calm or Headspace to guide you, or a meditation podcast like Purely Being Guided Meditations!

Take a nap

If commuting means you lose out on sleep, take the opportunity to have a nap. If you can keep it to 20 minutes, this is best for boosting energy and alertness. Just make sure to set an alarm if you're a heavy sleeper so you don't miss your stop (and obviously, please don't try this tip if you drive to work!)

Be friendly

If you use public transport to commute to work, it's likely you're surrounded by lots of other people. Why not take the chance to start a conversation? You never know you could end up as regular commuting buddies. A good chat always makes a journey feel faster.

Do remember though that others may not feel comfortable conversing so be mindful and pay attention to social cues! Likewise, we understand that you also might feel uncomfortable starting up a conversation with a stranger; in that case, why not call your friend or a family member and have a catch up?

Take a different route or different type of transport

If you can do so without being late to work or spending too much money, switching up your route or your mode of transport can help keep you from falling into the mind-numbing routine of a commute. Try walking a different way or cycling instead. Or if you usually take the train, try taking the bus!

Make plans

Commuting can feel depressing - especially if you have to do it everyday. We suggest making plans for your journey to and from work to keep your spirits up. Whether that's meeting a friend or colleague for coffee on the way in, or going out for drinks afterwards. Introducing social time in and around your commute is a sure-fire way to improve your mood.

Final Note

Commuting is never going to be fun but we hope these tips help you find ways to make your commute slightly more enjoyable. We'd love to hear your own tips and tricks too; leave a comment below or email us at

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