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  • Sunday Sanctuary

How To Enjoy The Things You Suck At

We've all been there - that thing that we just can't do very well. At all. Not being very good at something can often be a deterrent from trying to do it again, mostly because it's embarrassing, but also because we grow to really, really dislike it. In the world of work, there'll always be something we can't 100% ace, but that doesn't have to mean we grow to hate it. We explore ways to enjoy the activities we fail at, every single time.

Long Term Benefits

Taking a step back and looking at the bigger picture can help make that thing you're really bad at feel like less of a pointless spiral. When you realise your actions are feeding into a larger project that you can ultimately say you were a part of, it becomes a whole lot easier to see the wood from the trees, and understand the benefits of the day-to-day struggle from the perspective of a future solution.

Learning Curve

We learn a lot less from success than we do from failure, and knowing what we're bad at is a great asset to have in our arsenal. Not only does it mean we #stayhumble, but it gives us the opportunity to grow. By understanding why we suck at something, we can take the steps to become better at it, until one day we realise... we get it. Not only does overcoming obstacles make you feel smug, but it's another skill that can be added to your CV.

See The Bright Side

There is a positive to every negative, it just depends on how you frame it. Small steps like rewording your thoughts can have a huge impact on your attitude toward a task you're finding tricky. Instead of saying things like 'I can't', tell yourself that you haven't figure it out yet. And it's not just positive language that can help - there's light even in the grisliest of tasks - whether it's bringing you closer to different team members, or honing a new skill, it helps to focus on the good, rather than on the bad.

Make Connections

Asking for help is underrated, and is a great way to make social connections in the workplace. If a task is really proving a struggle, there'll be someone around who can offer a different perspective, a word of advice, or moral support. In doing so you not only lighten your load, but make a friend along the way.

Final Note

There are some tasks that no matter how hard you try, you just simply hate. If this is the case, it's worth discussing with your manager to find out what the problem is - whether you need more training, or if there is simply something else it would be worth spending your time on.

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